If x = 1 then X is not really a random variable but a constant.
A 'spot check" is a random sampling to gather infiormation to determine an outcome or on which to base an action. (For instance: Police may conduct random 'spot checks' of motorists to determine their compliance with having proper insurance, vehicle registrations, or drivers licenses in their possession.)
a random no. is just random!:]
When will disability social security checks be deposited in july 2014
= How much will gov take from disability and social security checks?" =
social security checks the high amount
The social security checks are programed in to be mailed before the third if the date falls on the weekend. Social Security checks are rarely or ever late. I would suggest that the check be direct mailed to a bank. It is safer that way.
SF 702
SF 702
Yes. There are random checks among foreign people entering Mexico.
A) mandates B) a straw vote C) Checks and balances D) Random samples
The information was easily stolen(effect) There were no security checks in the computer(cause) The information was easily stolen due to lack of security checks in the computer.
they lived in really random houses in really random rooms in really random other things. they also had really weird houses.
Social Security has been called a federal benefit payment since it was created in the 1930s. The term "federal benefits" applies to a large number of programs, including Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare, and others.