Inverse operations. Additive inverse is not one operation but they are elements of a set.
Inverse operations.
inverse operation
inverse operations
Operation, and inverse operation
An inverse operation undoes it's composite operation. For example, Addition and Subtraction are inverses of each other, as are Multiplication and Division, as are Exponentiation and Logarithms, as are Sine and ArcSine, Cosine and ArcCosine, Tangent and ArcTangent, Secant and ArcSecant, Cosecant and ArcCosecant, and Cotangent and ArcCotangent
Trigonometry includes 12 baisic functions. Sine, Cosine, and Tangent are the three most baisic. Each of those functions has a reciprocal. Cosine's reciprocal is Secant, Sine reciprocal is Cosecant, and Tangent's reciprocal is Cotangent. Each of those six functions has an inverse funcion called Inverse Sine, Cos etc... or Arcsine, Arcosine, Arcsecant, etc.... The shorthand for each function is sin, caos, tan, sec, csc, cot. The inverses have a -1 notation like sin-1.
Inverse operations
Inverse operations. Additive inverse is not one operation but they are elements of a set.
Inverse operations.
inverse operation
inverse operations
Inverse means opposite or reversing. An example sentence would be: They are perfect for each other because she is the inverse of him.
Definition of Inverse OperationTwo operations are said to be Inverse to each other if one operation undoes the effect of the other operation.More about Inverse OperationAddition and subtraction are inverse operations of each other.Multiplication and division are inverse operations of each other.Examples of Inverse OperationThe inverse operation of "10 + 9 = 19" is "19 - 9 = 10", or vice-versa.The inverse operation of "7 × 9 = 63" is "63 ÷ 9 = 7", or vice-versa.Solved Example on Inverse OperationQ. The inverse operation for 14 × 4 = 56. A. 56 ÷ 4 = 14
Inverse Operations.
Inverse Operations
Operation, and inverse operation