0.00064516 is the conversion factor to convert square inches to square meters. However, it must be square inches. If you only have inches, then you will have to multiply by the second dimension to get square inches before converting to square meters.
There is no equivalence. An inch per second is a measure of speed while a second is a measure of time. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid without some addition information.
You add it to the beginning of a unit, such as nanosecond. It means a factor of !0^-9 of the unit. So a nanosecond would be 10^-9 of a second or .000000001 of a second.
Firstly, there is no indication as to what units are used for 72 x 48. 72 inches x 48 inches or 72 miles x 48 miles or whatever. Second, it looks like they are a measure of an area. In that case, there are no feet in an area since a foot is a linear measure, not a measure of an area.
24 ft is 288 inches an hour is 3600 seconds 288/3600 inches/second .08 inches/second
To convert knots to inches per second, use the conversion factor of 1 knot = 1.68781 inches per second. Multiply the speed in knots by this conversion factor to get the equivalent speed in inches per second.
An inch is a measure of distance. A second is a measure of time. The question therefore is not valid.
20 inches
When two similar shapes have a scale factor of 0.8, every length of the second is 0.8 times the corresponding length of the first.
0.00064516 is the conversion factor to convert square inches to square meters. However, it must be square inches. If you only have inches, then you will have to multiply by the second dimension to get square inches before converting to square meters.
There is no equivalence. An inch per second is a measure of speed while a second is a measure of time. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid without some addition information.
Scale factor: 2 to 1
You add it to the beginning of a unit, such as nanosecond. It means a factor of !0^-9 of the unit. So a nanosecond would be 10^-9 of a second or .000000001 of a second.
Measure around rib cage just below breasts with flexible tape measure, this is the scaling 22-23 inches- 28 24-25 inches- 30 26-27 inches- 32 28-29 inches- 34 30-31 inches- 36 Measure around boobs, here is the scaling. This is however bigger your second measure is to your first measure. -1- aaa 0- aa 1- a 2- b 3- c 4- d Example: If your rib cage is 24 inches and your boobs are 4 inches larger than that then ou are a 30D.
Measure around rib cage just below breasts with flexible tape measure, this is the scaling 22-23 inches- 28 24-25 inches- 30 26-27 inches- 32 28-29 inches- 34 30-31 inches- 36 Measure around boobs, here is the scaling. This is however bigger your second measure is to your first measure. -1- aaa 0- aa 1- a 2- b 3- c 4- d Example: If your rib cage is 24 inches and your boobs are 4 inches larger than that then ou are a 30D.
Cubic inches is a measure of volume, and lbs is a measure of mass (technically it is a measure of weight or force). so it would be like comparing inches to seconds. how many inches in a second? doesnt work