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Collinear forces are concurrent system type of forces, whereas parallel vector forces cannot be concurrent system type of force but they can be coplanar nonconcurrent system type of force

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Q: Are the collinear vectors and parallel vectors the same?
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What is the difference between coplanar vectors and collinear vectors?

The term collinear is used to describe vectors which are scalar multiples of one another (they are parallel; can have different magnitudes in the same or opposite direction). The term coplanar is used to describe vectors in at least 3-space. Coplanar vectors are three or more vectors that lie in the same plane (any 2-D flat surface).

What is collinear in vectors?


State what is meant by collinear force?

Collinear forces occupy the same line, either parallel or anti-parallel to each other.

Do collinear point lie on parellel lines?

No. Collinear means on the same line. So collinear points all must lie on the same line. Not parallel lines.

Is collinear the same as parallel?

No, collinear refers to two different points that exist on a single line. Parallel means that 2 lines exist on the same plane, and will never intersect, no matter how far they are extended.

When is the sum of the magnitudes of two vectors equal to the magnitude of the sum of the vectors?

When the vectors are parallel, i.e. both have the same direction.

What is collinear vector and examples?

vectors that have same direction and lie on same plane .example a person sitting in an aeroplane or helicopter, a person on a sale boat.

Is it possible to find the sum of two parallel vectors using the parallelogram method?

No, it is simpler than that. Simply add the two magnitudes. The direction will be the same as the parallel vectors.

What is a non collinear lines?

the lines which are not parallel to each other are non collinear lines

What is non-coplaner vectors?

They are a pair of vectors which are not parallel but whose lines of action cannot meet.

Can non collinear lines be parallel?


Is a line and point collinear?

If the point is not on the line, then no they are not collinear. But if that point is on the line, then they are collinear. Points on the same line are collinear. Points not on the same line are not collinear or non collinear.