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Coplanar vectors lie within the same plane, meaning they can be represented by arrows with their tails at the same point. Collinear vectors, on the other hand, lie along the same line, meaning they have the same or opposite directions. In essence, coplanar vectors can be parallel or intersecting within the same plane, while collinear vectors are always parallel or antiparallel along the same line.

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13y ago

The term collinear is used to describe vectors which are scalar multiples of one another (they are parallel; can have different magnitudes in the same or opposite direction). The term coplanar is used to describe vectors in at least 3-space. Coplanar vectors are three or more vectors that lie in the same plane (any 2-D flat surface).

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Q: What is the difference between coplanar vectors and collinear vectors?
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What is the angle between the vectors A and -A when they are drawn from a common point?

180 degrees

How do you subtract vectors?

it depends on the method of subtraction. If the vectors are drawn graphically then you must add the negative of the second vector (same magnitude, different direction) tail to tip with the first vector. If the drawing is to scale, then the resultant vector is the difference. If you are subtracting two vectors <x1, y1> - <x2, y2> then you can subtract them component by component just like scalars. The same rules apply to 3-dimensional vectors

How do you find the area of a parallelogram using 2 vectors?

Given two vectors a and b, the area of a parallelogram formed by these vectors is:a x b = a*b * sin(theta) where theta is the angle between a and b, and where x is the norm/length/magnitude of vector x.

What is it when two vectors' dot product is one?

That fact alone doesn't tell you much about the original two vectors. It only says that (magnitude of vector-#1) times (magnitude of vector-#2) times (cosine of the angle between them) = 1. You still don't know the magnitude of either vector, or the angle between them.

What is the difference between the ''dot product'' and the ''cross product''?

Dot Product:Given two vectors, a and b, their dot product, represented as a ● b, is equal to their magnitudes multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them, θ, and is a scalar value.a ● b = ║a║║b║cos(θ)Cross Product:Given two vectors, a and b, their cross product, which is a vector, is represented as a X b and is equal to their magnitudes multiplied by the sine of the angle between them, θ, and then multiplied by a unit vector, n, which points perpendicularly away, via the right-hand rule, from the plane that a and b define.a X b = ║a║║b║sin(θ)n

Related questions

What is the difference between coplanar and non-coplanar vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

Are the collinear vectors and parallel vectors the same?

Collinear forces are concurrent system type of forces, whereas parallel vector forces cannot be concurrent system type of force but they can be coplanar nonconcurrent system type of force

What is the difference between coplanar and non-coplanar?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

What are the coplanar vectors in mathematics?

Vectors that sum to zero are coplanar and coplanar vectors sum to zero.

What is the difference between vectors and non-vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

How do you show that that the three vectors are coplanar?

Three vectors are coplanar if they sum to zero. V1 + V2 + V3 = o means the three vectors are coplanar.

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What are difference between scalars and vectors

Can three vectors add up to zero if they are not coplanar?


Why is the difference between scalars and vectors important?

Without the difference between scalars and vectors the Universe doesn't work !

What is coplanar vector?

In geometry a vector is used to make the equations easier to understand and to figure out. Velocity and force are examples of vectors. For a vector to be coplanar there must be two or more and they must be linearly dependent. Coplanar vectors have proportional components and their rank is 2.

What is the term given to vectors that don't lie in a stright line but insted go in diiferent directions?

Non-collinear vectors.