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Yes they are all equal

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Q: Are the sides of a 5 point star all equal?
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What 2d shape has 5 sides all equal angles and no lines of symmetry?

There is no such shape. A 2d shape with 5 sides and all equal angles must be a regular pentagon (or a 5-pointed star if you stretch the definition of "all angles"). And a regular pentagon - or star - has 5 lines of symmetry.

Are all sides equal in a scalene triangle?

No, all sides are UNEQUAL. Nope, all different. All sides equal would be equilateral which means "equal sides"

What figure has all equal sides and all angles have equal?

The only shape that always has equal sides and equal angles is the square.Other shapes can have equal sides and angles (like a triangle or octagon), but they are not by definition equilateral.--------I think it is worth noting that any regular polygon satisfies the definition. Conversely, as you point out, you have to explicitly specify that it is regular.

What is a parallelogram where all sides are equal?

A parallelogram where all sides are equal is a square.

Do all pentagons have 5 equal sides?

A regular pentagon has 5 equal sides. An irregularpentagon has 5 sides that are not all equal.

Is square a parallelogram with all sides equal?

Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.

What shape has opposite sides are equal and parallel?

A rhombus has all sides equal and opposite sides parallel. This includes a square which is a special case of a rhombus with all angles equal (90 degrees) as well. If opposirte sides are equal but not all sides are equal, it is a parallelogram

Are all sides of a parallogram equal?

No. The opposite sides are always equal to each other. All sides are equal only if it is a square or rhombus.

Which triangle has no equal sides?

3 equal sides = equilateral 2 equal sides = isosceles all sides different = scalene

How many sides in a rombhus are equal?

All 4 sides are equal.

It has 4 sides all of its sides are equal all of its angles are right angles?

No, not necessarily. A parallelogram can have all sides equal, but still not be a square.

What is the name of a shape with all equal sides?

Square. By definition, its sides must all be equal.