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Q: Are theories attempt to explain why a particular thing happens true or false?
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Is it true or false theories attempt to explain why a particular thing happens?

It is true.

How do laws and theories differ?

Laws are statements or descriptions of observable phenomena that have been repeatedly confirmed and are accepted as true. Theories, on the other hand, explain why these laws hold true by providing a framework of understanding and predicting natural phenomena. In essence, laws describe what happens, while theories explain why and how it happens.

How do scientists explain why this happens?

Scientists explain phenomena by using observations, experiments, and theories to make sense of the underlying principles that govern how things work. They rely on the scientific method to systematically test hypotheses and draw conclusions based on evidence. Through this process, scientists can develop models and theories to explain why things happen in the natural world.

What is the difference between evolution and theories of evolution?

Evolution is the process by which species change over time through natural selection. Theories of evolution, such as Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, are explanations for how evolution occurs and the mechanisms driving it. In essence, evolution is the phenomenon, while theories of evolution are the explanations for how it happens.

What happens if a hypothesis does not explain an observation?

If a hypothesis does not explain an observation, it may be rejected as a valid explanation for that particular phenomenon. Scientists typically revise or discard hypotheses that fail to account for observed data in order to develop more accurate models and theories. This iterative process helps refine our understanding of the natural world.

What is the difference between theories and laws?

Theories are explanations that describe and interpret a phenomenon, often based on evidence and observations. Laws, on the other hand, are principles that describe patterns in nature, usually expressed as mathematical equations or statements. Theories aim to explain why something happens, while laws describe what happens.

Do scientific theories become scientific laws?

Scientific Laws are descriptions of certain phenomenon or class of phenomena of nature which are believed to be universal and invariant in time. And theories are collections of organized ideas, models which attempt to explain observations and relate them to other observations. Simply put, while a law states that something happens, a theory explains why and how something happens. Hope, this was somewhat helpful! Clear Skies! Edit: In addition, in science a Hypothesis becomes a theory when data from experiments supports the hypothesis. A theory becomes law after many repeated experiments fail to disprove the theory, and back up the initial findings.

How does a law differ from a theory in science?

Physical laws are distinguished from scientific theories by their simplicity. Scientific theories are generally more complex than laws; they have many component parts, and are more likely to be changed as the body of available experimental data and analysis develops. This is because a physical law is a summary observation of strictly empirical matters, whereas a theory is a model that accounts for the observation, explains it, relates it to other observations, and makes testable predictions based upon it. Simply stated, while a law notes that something happens, a theory explains why and how something happens.

Explain what happens when the demand curve intersects with the supply curve?

explain what happens inside curve sample

What happens when you stand on the moon?

Nothing in particular "happens".

What is the first goal of each scientific discipline?

The first goal of each scientific discipline is to understand and explain the phenomena within its scope through systematic observation, experimentation, and analysis. This involves developing theories and models to account for the observed data and making predictions that can be tested through further research.

What is the difference between science law and scientific theory?

A science law is a description or prediction of a behavior as a result of repeated observation or testing. It does not involve an explanation or cause of the behavior. A Scientific Theory is an attempt to explain why something happens.