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Nothing happens. There is no particular significance in that happening.

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Q: What happens if the mean of absolute deviation is a small number than the mean?
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What if your small intestine is how long?

A normal small intestine is 17 feet with an absolute deviation of about three to four feet.

What does mean absolute deviation indicates?

The mean absolute deviation for a set of data is a measure of the spread of data. It is calculated as follows:Find the mean (average) value for the set of data. Call it M.For each observation, O, calculate the deviation, which is O - M.The absolute deviation is the absolute value of the deviation. If O - M is positive (or 0), the absolute value is the same. If not, it is M - O. The absolute value of O - M is written as |O - M|.Calculate the average of all the absolute deviations.One reason for using the absolute value is that the sum of the deviations will always be 0 and so will provide no useful information. The mean absolute deviation will be small for compact data sets and large for more spread out data.

What does a small absolute deviation tell you about a data set?

It means that particular observation is close to the population [or sample] mean.

What does relative standard deviation of 0.003 mean?

The relative standard deviation is the absolute value of the ration of the sample mean to the sample standard deviation. This value appears to be quite small; however, without comparative data it is difficult to know what to make of it. In some contexts it might even be considered large.

If the standard deviation is small the data is more dispersed?

No, if the standard deviation is small the data is less dispersed.

Given the graph of the function F x below what happens to F x when x is a very small negative number?

a very small negative number

Square of the deviation will be less if?

If the deviation is small ie if the distribution is packed close to the mean.

Is the standard deviation best thought of as the distance from the mean?

No. A small standard deviation with a large mean will yield points further from the mean than a large standard deviation of a small mean. Standard deviation is best thought of as spread or dispersion.

Where the standard deviation is not applicable?

When the sample size is small

What does standard deviation show us about a set of scores?

Standard Deviation tells you how spread out the set of scores are with respects to the mean. It measures the variability of the data. A small standard deviation implies that the data is close to the mean/average (+ or - a small range); the larger the standard deviation the more dispersed the data is from the mean.

What does small standard deviation signify?

A small standard deviation indicates that the data points in a dataset are close to the mean or average value. This suggests that the data is less spread out and more consistent, with less variability among the values. A small standard deviation may indicate that the data points are clustered around the mean.

What does precision mean as it relates to scientific measurement?

Precision refers to how close the values in a set of data are with respect to each other. An indication of precision is given by the mean deviation from the mean of a set of readings (Standard deviation also will do): Mean deviation from mean = Summation (Modulus(X - mean)) / n where X denotes the individual readings and n is the number of readings taken. A small mean deviation from mean indicates high precision.