Any odd prime number.
odd numbers
All prime numbers are odd, exept of the first prime number 2.
Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.
All prime numbers except for 2 are odd. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. Therefore, unless 85 is prime (it's not) or -2 is, (it's not) there aren't two prime numbers that will equal 87.
Any odd prime number.
Any odd number.
It could any odd prime number and 2 since 2 is the only even prime number and add whole numbers to an odd sum requires both odd and even.In other words, 2 and any other prime will work.
odd numbers
All prime numbers are odd, exept of the first prime number 2.
There are more odd numbers than prime numbers.
More than possible. Unless one of your prime numbers is 2, the product of any other two will be odd.
As long as one of the numbers isn't 2, adding any two prime numbers results in an even number. Why? 1.) Adding any two odd numbers gives an even number, 2.) adding an odd and an even gives an odd, and 3.) all primes are odd, except for 2.
Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.
No. 2 times 3 is 6. Multiplying any number by 2 will make it even. Other than that, since all other prime numbers are odd, yes.No, because 2 is a prime number, and any prime number multiplied by 2 is even. However, for any product in which 2 is not a factor, it is odd by definition.
All prime numbers except for 2 are odd. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. Therefore, unless 85 is prime (it's not) or -2 is, (it's not) there aren't two prime numbers that will equal 87.
All prime numbers are odd except for the number 2.