There are more odd numbers than prime numbers.
odd numbers
Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.
All prime numbers are odd, exept of the first prime number 2.
The question, "the" three odd prime numbers, is wrong. There are much more than three odd prime numbers - in fact, infinitely many. There are infinitely many prime numbers, and all except the number 2 are odd.
There's only one even prime, the rest are odd.
odd numbers
All even numbers except 2 are divisible and thus not prime. There is no such number for odd numbers, and there is in fact just one even prime and infinitely many odd primes.
No. Quite the opposite.
There are many, many more odd prime numbers than even prime numbers; there is only 1 even prime number, namely 2, whereas the odd prime numbers are 3, 5, 7, 11, ...