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Q: Are there any shapes that you can fold in half twice to make a rectagle?
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How do you fold laundry?

For shirts you cross over the arms, the fold them vertically twice. For pants you fold the across horizontally then fold them in half vertically.

How do you spell double?

That is the correct spelling of "double" (twice as much or as many, to fold in half).

If you fold a polygon half twice to make a rectangle what would the polygon look like?

the polygon would be a square

How do you find congruent?

Pretend to fold the shape in half (or any way) and see if it folds perfectly and matches the other side.Like a square, fold it in half and the sides are still the same. Some shapes only have one line of symmetry or some have many.

How can you make your own barrie j davies sculpture?

1. Take an A4 piece of paper and fold it in half. 2. Write you name on it somewhere. 3. Fold it in half again. 4. Fold it again in half. 5. Then turn the paper around and fold it in half. 6. Fold it again in half. 7. Write a name of something that makes you happy on it 8. Fold it in half again. 9. Fold it again in half. 10. Then turn the paper around and fold it in half. 11. Fold it again in half. 12. Write today’s date on it. 13. Fold it again in half. 14. Unfold all of the folds. 15. Screw it up into a ball. 16. Throw it in the bin.

A shape with at least one line of symetry?

Most common shapes have a line of symmetry. For example, if you fold a heart in half, both sides will match up. Shapes like Squares, equilateral triangles, and circles have even more.

How do you fold a dollar bill 8 times?

Well, if you just want folds, don't fold it in half over and over, fold it like an accordian. Then you can get more than 8 folds in without being unable to continue. You could also just fold each corner over twice... that's 8.

How do you fold a bond paper into 12?

To fold a bond paper into 12 equal parts, you would first fold it in half vertically, then fold it in half horizontally. Next, you would fold each half into thirds, resulting in a total of 12 equal parts. Be sure to crease each fold carefully to maintain accuracy.

What is a line on which a figure can be folded so that the two points fit exactly?

That would be a symmetrical line. It means you can fold certain shapes in half and they would be the same exact size.

How do you fold your pants?

I typically hang mine up, but if I were to fold them I would do it in this manner. 1) hold the pants with the front facing you. 2) fold them in half matching the outside seams. 3) fold them in half with the waist even with the hem. 4) fold them in half again.

How do you make eighths in an rectangle?

half of a half of a half 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8 if it were on paper fold it in half, to make a half fold it in half again to make four quarters fold it again to make eight.

How do you fold 100cm2 paper into 50cm2 paper?

Fold the paper in half.