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The yin yang is a circle that turns, and exists as nothing but a circle. rotating or flipping the circle means nothing. The yin-yang is also the base elements of existance, of all existing things. In fact, the yin-yang symbol means very little as a symbol, and was designed to recognize the connection and harmony observed in and between all existing things. However, certain things can be, at times, predominantly yin or predominantly yang. And while 100% yin and 100% yang does not, and can not, exist in reality, it is concieved of as a possibility. Taoists have two more levels bayond the yin and yang in the form of the I-Ching, where the yin and yang are turned into trigrams and hexagrams. a perfect analogy would by computer bits, where 0 is yin and 1 is yang. The I-Ching on the first level arranges three bits together in all possible ways to form 8 elements. examples include 111, 001, and 100, or yang-yang-yang, yin-yin-yang, and yang-yin-yin. The I-Ching on the second level arranges six bits together in all possible ways, forming 64 elements of change.

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Q: Are there different positions of the yin and yang that mean different things Such as the yang being on top or vice versa or side by side?
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