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Q: Are there more real numbers than integers?
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How and why are real numbers more difficult to represent and process than integers?

There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.

Are all numbers that is greater than zero is an positive integers?

No. All numbers greater than zero are positive real numbers. Integers are whole numbers (positive or negative) and therefore, don't include numbers with decimals.

All whole numbers greater than 0 are also called the integers?

All whole numbers greater than 0 are also called the __:)__________ integers. positive

What are the prime numbers for -30?

Unfortunately, in accordance with math laws, non real, negative integers cannot be factored."Prime numbers are defined as all real, non negative integers who's only factors are that of "1" and itself. Composite numbers are defined as all real, non negative integers who's factors are all real, non negative integers other than "1" and itself.

Why roman number is real number?

Roman numerals are used only for integers, which are real numbers. The Romans never used imaginary numbers, which are at a tremendously more advanced stage of mathematics than they ever reached.

What is composite numbers in algebra?

Composite numbers are integers that have more than two factors.

What are positive and negative numbers called?

Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.

Is every natural number is a real number?

Yes, natural numbers are the set of "counting numbers" - integers bigger than zero. Hence they are all real numbers.

Do integers affect real life?

A lot more than you think!

Are there facts about integers?

Yes and integers are whole numbers that can belong to one of the following classes:- Prime numbers which have only 2 factors Composite numbers which have more than 2 factors

What is a number greater than 1 that has more than two whole numbers?

If by "has more than two whole numbers" you mean more than two factors, the answer is all composite integers.

What is the possibility for a given pair of numbers to be less than or equal to their product?

Depending on what numbers are you picking from: {Integers, Whole Numbers, Natural numbers, All real numbers} will affect the probability.