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Q: Are there more than one resurrection?
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Why was the Resurrection more important than the Crucifixion?

Our hope for the future is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus.

Did the Sadduccees not believe in a resurrection?

No, the Sadducees were more conservative than the Pharisees and saw theological innovations such as the resurrection of the dead as a foreign influence to be resisted.

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Does reincarnation make more sense than resurrection?

Both are in the region of religious belief. When looked at from a purely logical prespective, neither makes any sense at all. it is up to the believer themselves to determine which one makes more sense to them personally.

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'when more than one are' is the correct phrase.

Is black magic used for actual resurrection?

Resurrection is not part of any form of real magic I know of.Resurrection is however the subject of an astonishing amount of speculative fictional writing and a fundamental part of the writings & teachings of more than on spiritual path.

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One shekel more than 249, one fewer than 251. One shekel more than 249, one fewer than 251. One shekel more than 249, one fewer than 251. One shekel more than 249, one fewer than 251.

Where can one find information for resurrection hospital?

One can find information about Resurrection Health Care hospitals on the official Resurrection Medical Center website. The website offers locations of the hospitals, helps find a doctor and gives tips for patients and visitors.

Where was the resurrection?

Resurrection; per God religions; occurs after life on the Day of Judgement where all the universe is changed and the earth is changed and the skies. So, no one can predict where the resurrection event would happen.

What were the disiples doing while Jesus came to them after his resurrection?

The disciples were meeting together in a room on one of the occasions when Jesus appeared to them after the Resurrection.

Can you have more than one variable?

Yes, you can have more than one variable