You may be thinking of the rule that a minus times a minus gives a plus.
So -1 x -1 = +1.
Or you may be thinking of using two plus signs. E.g.
1 + + 1
This just means 1 plus the positive version of one. This is just one plus one.
They equal a minus and two +'s or two -'s equal a + :)
3 pluses
negeative 64
It can't.
The plural of plus is pluses. As in "there are some big pluses here".
his minus is his cold war
In order to find more information about a KVM switch; I found this link very helpful. It is all about KVM switches. The pluses, the minus' and everything in between.
They equal a minus and two +'s or two -'s equal a + :)
Five minus 2 does not equal to 4
3 pluses
two hundred minus three times a number is equal to nine
The answer two 50 minus 20 is 30.
Two times six minus four is equal to 8.
negeative 64