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Yes upper and lower case letters can simultaneously be used as password features.

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Q: Are upper and lower case letters allowable password features?
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Related questions

Which are allowable password features?

combination of upper and lower case letters

What are upper case and lower case letters password?


What are secured password compromised of?

Generally, a secured password must incorporate a mix of capital letters, lower case letters, symbols, and numerical digits.

When your on webkinz do you cap or lower?

Either one on the username but the password has to be CAPSorlowercaps(thats not my password) My password is lower caps and a 1. all my passwords are that. and it has to be 6 letters or numbers long or more

Example og upper and lower case password?

THIS IS UPPER CASE & this is lower case. So it is basically CAPITAL and small letters.

How long does your password in maple story have to be?

About six characters long, have a mix of numbers and capitol and lower case letters.

What are three characteristics of an effective password?

Minimum eight characters. Mixture of letters and numbers. Mixture of upper and lower case. No names of children, dogs, heroes, etc

What is the password for level game level 35?

The answer to Level 35 on the level game is "sponge", no quotation marks. The word was spelled out in the lower right-hand corner throughout the game, so in order to get the password, you'd have to go through the entire game and collect the letters.

How could you find the number of different combinations of six letters in a computer password?

When trying to work out how many different combinations there are, you need to know how many options there are for each value. If the password only contains lower case letters, then we have 26 options for each value. For each letter in the password, there are 26 options, so the total number of possible options is 26x26x26x26x26x26 or 266 This equals 308,915,776 so there are 308,915,776 possible different combinations of six letters.

How do you type your password case sensitive on club penguin?

Just please tell me a case sensitive password!

What is a yahoo format of writing an ID an password?

A yahoo password requires that you use between 8 and 32 characters, includes a number, lower and uppercase letters, and can not contain the Yahoo ID. Your Yahoo ID can be any word of your choice but can not already be in use.

Why is the name of your pet not a strong of a password?

It would be easy to guess. A strong password has at least 8 characters including upper and lower case letters and numbers.