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Uppercase is capital letters. For example: A B C D E F G

Lowercase is letters that are not capitalised. For example: a b c d e f g

"No" is probably the abbreviation for "number".

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Q: What is upper case and lower case and 'no' in a password?
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Are upper and lower case letters allowable password features?

Yes upper and lower case letters can simultaneously be used as password features.

What are upper case and lower case letters password?


Example og upper and lower case password?

THIS IS UPPER CASE & this is lower case. So it is basically CAPITAL and small letters.

Which are allowable password features?

combination of upper and lower case letters

A strong password should?

Have eight or more letter or numbers in upper and lower case.

What is a mixed cased letter?

I'm assuming your looking for a password, a mixed case letter is a word that contains an upper case, and lower case letter. Example: Queen. I used Q as upper case and the rest as lower case. :)

What are three characteristics of an effective password?

Minimum eight characters. Mixture of letters and numbers. Mixture of upper and lower case. No names of children, dogs, heroes, etc

How can i create a password with minimum 8 characters case sensitive 1 each upper and lower case number special character?


What comes next in the sequence AA xd ug?

Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.Not sure how the upper case and lower case letters interact. If that can be ignored then rj.

Were roman sculptures carved in upper or lower case?

upper case

How can a password contain 8 characters must have only one upper case one lower case and one number?

I'll pick a random password. For example: "2349Abcd". It means have atleast one of each.

Which case is case sensitive upper case or lower case?

Both. "Case sensitive" means that upper case and lower case characters are treated as different characters.