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Yes, water is a bend molecule with a bond angle of about 105 degrees. They are described as bent planar (or V shaped)

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Q: Are water molecules a bent molecule?
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Are all water molecules bent?

No, not all water molecules are bent. Water molecules are typically bent due to the tetrahedral arrangement of the three atoms, but in certain cases, water molecules can be linear, such as in ice at low temperatures.

Which of these adjectives does not apply to a water molecules bentpolarorganiccovalent?

Bent does not apply to a water molecule. Water molecules have a bent shape due to the arrangement of the hydrogen atoms around the oxygen atom. Polar, organic, and covalent are all characteristics that can be used to describe water molecules.

Does the water molecule have a bent or straight shape?


What are the molecules has a bent shape?

Water (H2O) is a molecule that has a bent shape due to its two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, causing the hydrogen atoms to be at an angle of approximately 104.5 degrees. Another example is sulfur dioxide (SO2), which also has a bent shape due to the lone pair of electrons on the sulfur atom, causing the oxygen atoms to be at an angle of approximately 119 degrees.

How does the structure of a water molecule affect its properties?

Because the water molecule is bent, it is polar

What describes the structure of a water molecule?


Does the water molecule have a bent geometry shape?

yes it does, because the oxygen contains lone pairs which makes the water molecule a bent geometry shape.

The electron geometry of a water molecule is even though the molecular geometry is bent?

The electron geometry of a water molecule is tetrahedral even though the molecular geometry is _____. Bent

What is the shape of h20?

The shape of a water molecule (H2O) is bent or angular, resembling a letter "V". This occurs due to the two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, causing the molecule to have a bent molecular geometry.

Why does a water molecule have a bent shape?

It's a polar molecule! -Jessica King

Why do water molecules have bent shape and carbon dioxide molecules have a linear shape?

Water molecules have a bent shape due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, causing repulsion and bending the molecule. Carbon dioxide molecules have a linear shape because the central carbon atom forms double bonds with the two oxygen atoms, positioning them in a straight line.

What molecules has a bent shape?

Water does! H2O!