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Q: Are yes and no questions conditional?
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Do conditional statements have to begin with if?

Yes, but they can be rewritten. The conditional statement "If it rains then I will get wet" can be written as "I will get wet if it rains" so that the sentence does not begin with if. In logic, these conditional sentences are also equivalents to "I will not get wet or it rains", which does not contain the word "if".

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What is conditional expectation of 2 uncorrelated random variables-is it equal to unconditional expectation?

Yes. the conditional expectation of X given Y is simply the expectation of X if X and Y are uncorrelated. This is a consequence of one of the properties of conditional expectation.

Conditional statement inside a conditional loop?

int i = 100; while(i > 0) { // Conditional loop --i; if((i % 2) == 0) { // Conditional statement inside a conditional loop System.out.println(i + " is even."); } }

If the condition is true does Excel apply the formatting?

It will if you are asking about conditional formatting.

Is if a conjuction?

Yes, "if" can function as a conjunction when used to introduce a conditional clause in a sentence.

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