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That's volume. Area is the measurement of a given surface.

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Q: Area is the amont of space in a given box?
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What are you finding when you measure the space in a box?

the area of the box * * * * * The correct answer is the VOLUME (or capacity) of the box.

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Using consistent units, the height = volume divided by footprint area (in the case of your rectangular box). so H = V/A

How do you calculate area of a box where height length and width is given?

Area = 2*(H*L + L*W + W*H) square units.

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You need to know the area of that cross-section. Once you have that number, the volume of the box is the product of (cross-section area) x (height).

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Yes, however it is a very difficult process that is to long for the given space and may damage your computer or X-Box

Formula for surface area of an open box?

An open box is a cube that is missing one face. so, given a open box of indeterminate Width, Length, and Height, the formula for the surface area (including the inside) is 2(2(W * H) + (W * L) + 2(L * H)).

Where in the Chicago area is ZIP code 60690-2877?

The USPS website says it is for a particular P. O. Box. No name is given!