There has been many different answers to this question, but the proper answer is two right angles. even though it doesn't look like!
Yes, for example, you have a straight horizontal line. If you intersect a straight vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line, pointing straight up, you would have two right angles.
The letter F contains several angles, including acute angles at the top and bottom of the vertical line, and right angles where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. Additionally, there are obtuse angles where the horizontal line intersects with the vertical line. Overall, the letter F showcases a variety of angles within its structure.
The y axis is a vertical line whereas the x axis is a horizontal line and both axes intersect at right angles at the point of origin.
Perpendicular lines are, by definition, lines which are at right angles to another line. In other words in a capital letter T the vertical line is perpendicular to the horizontal one because they are at right angles (90 degees) to one another.
A straight line has no right angles. But a square is actually a closed line with four right angles.
A line that is at right angles to a vertical line is said to be horizontal.
Right angles (90 degrees) will be formed.
Yes, for example, you have a straight horizontal line. If you intersect a straight vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line, pointing straight up, you would have two right angles.
yes And at right angles (90deg) to the horizontal plane
The letter F contains several angles, including acute angles at the top and bottom of the vertical line, and right angles where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. Additionally, there are obtuse angles where the horizontal line intersects with the vertical line. Overall, the letter F showcases a variety of angles within its structure.
The y axis is a vertical line whereas the x axis is a horizontal line and both axes intersect at right angles at the point of origin.
3 right angles.
Perpendicular lines are, by definition, lines which are at right angles to another line. In other words in a capital letter T the vertical line is perpendicular to the horizontal one because they are at right angles (90 degees) to one another.
To draw a pentagon with 3 right angles, start by drawing a horizontal line segment. From one endpoint of the line segment, draw a vertical line segment perpendicular to the horizontal line to form a right angle. Then, draw two more right angles by drawing two more line segments from the endpoints of the original horizontal line segment. Finally, connect the endpoints of the line segments to form a pentagon with 3 right angles.
A straight line has no right angles. But a square is actually a closed line with four right angles.
Would be at at 90 degrees to the surface, in other words at right angles. So a line which was perpendicular to a horizontal surface would be vertical.
Underneath the horizontal line.