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Q: Average clients change their interiors every?
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Average clients change their interiors every years A.2 B.7 C.15 D.30?

Design clients and their needs are as unique as people in the world, so this is a tricky question.For US businesses, furniture typically is expected to have a 10 year life, for tax purposes. For that reason, businesses will usually not change things too much during the first 10 years after a major space redesign unless they are physically relocating or have another major business shift that requires a change.For homes, this timing can vary much more widely, depending on housing market conditions and whether they have desire to sell, as well as the personal tastes and needs of each client. If I were taking a quiz with this question, though, I'd guess C.15 years.

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Yes. A players batting average changes with every at bat unless the player has an average of .000 and does not get a hit, or a 1.000 average and gets a hit.

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The best digital marketer in palakkad .works for clients in every time and satisfied each and every clients.

Do you need to change your brake pads?

Yes, every 20,000 miles on average.

How often should you turn bed bound clients in the hospital?

As often as necessary. Every one to two hours to relieve pressure. With a minimum of 30 degrees in positional change.

How often should the average motorist change their oil?

The average motorist should change the oil every 3000 miles. Oil should be changed more often if driven in dusty condition.

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The SP 500 index changes its composition on average about once every three months.

Do you really have to change your password every three months to keep your email secure?

To be on the safe side, you should change your email password every three months. Some email programs are more secure than others. Most of them suggest changing it every three months on average.

When do you need to change the oil?

It varies depending on the amount of driving you do, but a general rule is every 6 months change oil and filter and you shouldn't have any problems, although if you do a lot of miles on average then you may want to change the oil every 4 months. Its no different to any other car.

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According to recent studies, the average American washes their sheets once a week.(40%), others every couple of weeks (34%). The rest change their sheets once a month, or once every three months.

Why is the Ferrari so expensive?

ferrari are made of highest quality meterials, every engine is hand assembled and all interiors hand stitched with help of traditional sewing machines. Bodies are designed to be as lightweight as possible so the investment of the company for the production of each car is far more than the average automobile.

How often do you change oil in 2007 Hyundai Tiburon?

depending on how hard you drive your car and the type of oil you use, you should typically change your oil every 3,000 miles. That's average.