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The Sumerians

(Sumerian Civilization) was the first to develop algebra and geometry

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Q: Basic algebra and geometry first created by what civilization?
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Can you move from basic algebra to geometry?

Yes, you can move from basic Algebra to Geometry, but only upon recommendation from your teacher.

Later cicivilations developed basic algebra and geometry by building on the number system first created by what civilizaion?


How do builders use math during working?

Geometry and basic algebra

What math do you need for carpenters?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, basic algebra, geometry, trigonometry.

What do you call the algebra geometry and trigonometry?

Basic math. When you begin calculus you will move into intermediate mathematics.

What is the difference between algebra and precalculus algebra?

My Teacher said in the begining of pre calculus it is baisically algebra 3 and geometry 2. pre calc algebra is more complicated than basic algebra. however pre calc uses that basic algebra in solving problems. so all in all, they are just different levels of algebra

Why do you think it important to study algebra?

Algebra is a basic fundamental of mathematics. If you don't do well in Algebra, chances are, you won't do well in other math areas such as Geometry and Pre-Calculus. Algebra is also an everyday thing. We use Algebra every day!

What type of math do you need to know to be an auto repair man?

MUST KNOW addition. subtraction. multiplication. division. basic algebra. basic geometry and of course fractions

Is geometry easier than algebra 1?

I'm going to differ on many thoughts. I believe that geometry is MUCH easier than Algebra 1 - especially the 2nd semester of algebra 1 which a good chunk of time was spent on factoring and quadratic equations. The Algebra used in geometry is fairly basic - lots of 1 and 2 step equations. By the second semester you will get into some more complicated algorthims when dealing with area and surface area but that is about as difficult as it will get. I bet you'll feel that your algebra skills increase after looking at things geometrically.

What has the author Mary Kay Beavers written?

Mary Kay Beavers has written: 'Test bank to accompany Basic mathematics with algebra and geometry'

What were the important contributions to geometry?

Virtually all of mathematics, science, architecture, and engineering, depends upon geometry. Human civilization as we know it couldn't exist without this basic branch of mathematics.

What type of geometry is needed for a job in construction?

Definately your basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages) but more importantly, Geometry! Some Algebra and Calculus couldn't hurt, either. Happy adding!