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In Algebra 1 you learn all the basics and build on these skills through a certain level. Geometry came in between for everyone I've knows.. here you use the basic algebra skills in an otherwise easier course. Algebra 2 consist of more advanced numbers, equations, operators, rules and procedures, without most of what one learned into Geomretry. You're constantly using the quadratic equation, which was used in geometry andvery often in Algebra 2. You'll solve systems of equations and start to get into trig

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Q: How are Algebra Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 different?
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How is elementary algebra different from algebra 1 or 2?

It isn't; the algebra 1 and 2 that you get taught in middle or high school is elementary algebra. When (if you want to) you get into more advanced algebra, you can learn linear algebra (matrix algebra) and abstract algebra (which involves sets, operations on sets, groups, and many more concepts), and probably several more types of algebra I've never heard of.

How are Algebra and Algebra 1 different?

They aren't If you want to get smart, the difference is the 1

Do you have to remember algebra 1 to do good in algebra 2?

To do WELL in Algebra 2, you will need to remember part of Algebra 1. However, your teacher should go over part of Algebra 1. I did poorly in Algebra 1, though Algebra 2 now makes sense to me simply because I needed to understand it to understand Algebra 2, and I was able to infer the things that I was unsure of.

What is the difference of algebra 1 and algebra 2?

Algebra 2 is harder and more complicated than Algebra 1. It also introduces more variables and harder equations.

Is Algebra A or Algebra B is more advanced and what is the differences?

I think you mean Algebra 1 & 2 If you did, Algebra 1 is the basic stuff. Algebra 2, you get more complex, but it's still a basic idea.

What comes first algebra 2 or geometry?

It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

What type of math is higher between algebra 1 or geometry?

it goes algebra 1, geometry, then algebra 2

What grade does Algebra 2?

If you are intelligient and passed your algebra test in sixth grade,in seventh you will have Algebra 1 .If you pass Algebra 1 in seventh grade there is a possibility that you will get Algebra 2.Depends on what your teacher thinks about your behavior or citizenship.

What is the difference between algebra 1 and alebra 2?

algebra 2 is more advanced

What comes first geometry or algebra?

It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

What is after algebra 2?

Pre-caculus 1 - Pre-Algebra 2 - Algebra I 3 - Geometry 4 - Algebra II 5 - Pre-Calculus 6 - Calculus

Which course is better pre-algebra 1 or pre-algebra 2?

It depends on how far you are on Pre-algebra. If you don't know anything, I recommend you take Pre-algebra 1. If you are advanced in Pre-algebra and you know variables and expressions then I recommend you take Pre-algebra 2