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Q: Body part that is a lot of negatives?
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What is a lot of negatives as a body part?

nose as in no no no no no no are all no's (pronounced nose)

What part of your body has a name of lot of negatives?

nose as in no no no no no no are all no's (pronounced nose)

Body part a number of negatives?


A lot of negatives with the same name as a body part?

One possible answer to this riddle could be "finger." The word "finger" contains the word "negative" within it.

What are a lot of negatives that relate to the human bosy?

nose as in no no no no no no are all no's (pronounced nose)

What are the negatives about Chicago?

It's cold and the traffic is so bad during rush hour that you want to kill yourself. Oh man, and I am not joking. Also, there's a lot of crime, depending on what part of the city you're living in.

What body part has the most mitochandria in it?

Muscle tissue and liver both have a lot of mitochondria: muscle tissue because it has to release a lot of energy for movement, and liver because it takes a lot of energy to process and eliminate toxins from the body.

What are the negatives and positives to a mri?

There are no negatives

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what are the negatives of a listserv

Why is it important to drink when taking part in sport?

to prevent dehydration. In sports you loss a lot of body fluid and this need to be replaced by drinking a lot of water.

What is the most bitten part of the human body?

the hands. although the arms also recieve a lot of bites.

What are negatives to being a dentist?

If you like the job, there are really no negatives to being a dentist. If you don't get a lot of customers, that might be the only downfall.