If you were born on April 9, 1991, and today is before April 9, then you are your current age minus 1 year. If today is after April 9, then you are your current age.
As of today, February 20, 2010 as I type, a person born April 21, 1926 is 83 years old.
Current year: 2011 Year born: - 1977 ______ 0034 Today is April 21, 2011 so... you are almost 34 years old.
As of today's date, April 24, 2011, you would be 10 years old.
You will turn 31 in 2015.
Graham Norton is 54 years old (birthdate: April 4, 1963).
You are 46
Martial Arts actor Jet Li (Li Lianjie) is 54 years old (born April 26, 1963).
Well she was born in 1963 so she is around . . . . . . 48 years old.
John Marzano was born on February 14, 1963 and died on April 19, 2008. John Marzano would have been 45 years old at the time of death or 52 years old today.
Józef Gosławski was born on April 24, 1908 and died on January 23, 1963. Józef Gosławski would have been 54 years old at the time of death or 107 years old today.
Rogers Hornsby was born on April 27, 1896 and died on January 5, 1963. Rogers Hornsby would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 119 years old today.
Rozz Williams was born on November 6, 1963 and died on April 1, 1998. Rozz Williams would have been 34 years old at the time of death or 51 years old today.
Gregoris Lambrakis was born on April 3, 1912 and died on May 27, 1963. Gregoris Lambrakis would have been 51 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.
Criss Oliva was born on April 3, 1963 and died on October 17, 1993. Criss Oliva would have been 30 years old at the time of death or 52 years old today.
Charles Pettigrew was born on May 12, 1963 and died on April 6, 2001. Charles Pettigrew would have been 37 years old at the time of death or 52 years old today.