As of today, February 20, 2010 as I type, a person born April 21, 1926 is 83 years old.
If you were born on April 21, 1999, you would currently be 11 years old (as of October 2010) and going on 12 in 6 months. (I would know this because my birthday is on April 4, 1999 :D!)
Current year: 2011 Year born: - 1977 ______ 0034 Today is April 21, 2011 so... you are almost 34 years old.
Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
You were born on a day between April 13 and December 31 in 1991,OR on a day between January 1 and April 12 in 1992.
On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.
She was 91 on April 21. She was born in 1926.
April 21 1926.
April Stride was born on April 21, 1926, in Southsea, Hampshire, England, UK.
Arthur Rowley was born on April 21, 1926.
Her birthday is April 21, 1926 and she is 90 years old!
90. She was born on April 21, 1926.Assuming you're talking about Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - She is currently 90 years old (in 2016).
The Queen was born April 21, 1926.
HM The Queen was born 21 April 1926. Therefore, as of 21 April 2012, she is 86.
Arthur Rowley was born on April 21, 1926.
Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926.
Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926.
Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926