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Q: Brenda works as an x-ray technician and her income is 24960 a year last year she spent 15 percent of her income on cigarettes what was the total amount she spen on cigarettes last year?
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There is no set amount of holidy time for a veterinary technician. This is going to be determined by the needs of the veterinary facility where the technician is employed.

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it is a nomative economic statement

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Bidi cigarettes contain up to 3 times the amount of nicotine, that traditional cigarettes have. Bidi's also have 5 times the amount of tar a regular cigarette has.

Can of chew pack of cigarettes how many packs of cigarettes equal a can of chew?

thee packs equals the same amount of nicotine as a single can. as for tobacco by weight, one can has the same amount as two packs.

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What is a packyear?

A packyear is a measure of the amount of cigarettes a person smokes, equal to a single pack of 20 cigarettes for each day of a calendar year.

How many cigarettes do people smoke in a year?

7,200 cigarettes, assuming that a smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day, which can be considered a light smoker. Heavy smokers can reach the astonishing amount of 120 cigarettes a day. Such crazy smoker smokes 43,200 cigarettes during one year.

What do you multiply by to decrease an amount by 30 percent?

To decrease an amount 30 percent, multiply that amount by 0.7

How do you take 10 percent off an amount?

Multiply your amount by 0.9 0.9 is 90 percent of the full amount, and will result in 10 percent removed.

What is the percent decrease from 220 to 33?

Percent Decrease = (Original Amount - New Amount)/(Original Amount) * 100% The percent decrease from 220 to 33 is 85%

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You figure what two tenths of one percent of an amount is by multiplying that original amount by 0.002 The result is two tenths of a percent of that amount.

What is the ratio amount of change divided by original amount expressed as a percent?

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