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int n,max=0,rem;

printf("\n enter a number");










printf("\n the largest digit is: %d",max);



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Q: C program to find the largest digit of a number?
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Write a program that would find the count of occurrence of largest digit in the input number?

#include#includevoid main(){long int n,r,m,max=0,count=0;clrscr();printf("Enter the Number:");scanf("%ld",&n);m=n;while(n>0){r=n%10;if(r>max)max=r;n=n/10;}printf("\nLargest Digit is = %ld",max);while(m>0){r=m%10;if(r==max)count++;m=m/10;}printf("\n\nOccurence of Largest Digit %ld is = %ld",max,count);getch();}output:Enter the Number:68596999Largest Digit is = 9Occurence of Largest Digit 9 is = 4

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The decimal complement of the number 1 is 8. You can find the complement of any digit by subtracting it from the largest single digit value in the base that you're working in.