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The volume of a 2x2x2 container is 8.

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Q: What is the volume of a 2x2x2 container?
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How does the volume change when you double the dimensions?

If you double dimensions in the x, y and z direction, then the volume will be multiplied by 8 (2x2x2)

Can a container hold volume or mass?

A container holds volume.

What happens to to the volume of a container when a rock is added?

Placing a rock in a container does not alter the volume of the container, although it does occupy some of that volume.

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volume for 20 foot container

How can a volume of water be deteremined?

The easy way: Pour the water into a graduated container, like a graduated cylinder, and read the volume directly. The hard way: Calculate the volume of a regularly shaped container (cylindrical or rectangular). Pour the water into the container. Measure the height of the water in the container. Calculate the volume of the unfilled portion of the container. Subtract this volume from the total volume of the container.

What formula do you use to obtain the volume of a cube?

Multiply the length of any edge by itself three times. This is the cubic volume in the units you used to meadure the edge. That is LxLxL = VExample:A cube 2 ft on a side is 2x2x2 = 8 ft3A cube 2 meters on a side is 2x2x2 = 8 m3

How does the pressure of a container change as the volume is changed?

In a small volume container the pressure is higher.

How much substance can a container hold?

Determine the volume of the container, then it can hold that volume of the substance.

The volume of a gas is the same as the volume of its?

The volume and shape of a gas are determined by its volume and shape of its container.

How can you determine the volume of a regularly shaped solid?

Put solid in a container ; fill container with water to a known container volume; take object out of container and read the remaining volume. subtract this remaining volumefrom the known volume. This result is the volume of the regular or irregular shaped solid.

What is the volume of the capacity?

Capacity is the volume of the container.

Does a gas has both the shape and volume of its container?

A gas will expand to fill its container. This gives the gas the shape and volume of its container.