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Q: Can't connect and log in to any Ntreev sites why?
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You cant im sorry

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Here is a 48HR code: RYQX8-43RJC-FC68D-DJR9G-HQ4TT

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theres no reason you cant connect an mp3 player to any computer... if you have a recent OS then it might pick it up without needing a disc to install it

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cant u just buy one then how do u have a computer

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cus they cant get any n real life

Is there any computers that cant connect to the internet?

If a PC does not include a network card, it isn't able to connect to the internet. So basically if you include a network card every pc can connect to the internet, if the operating system(e.g. Windows, Macintosh, Linux) on your pc is working properly.

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Sadly no, since the server technologies are separate entitys, Counter-Strike: Source can not connect to any other game, and any maps, mods, or servers from 1.5 or 1.6 cannot be used in Counter-Strike: Source.nope it cant

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u can only completely block the whole internet, u cant block one or more sites

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the reason why you cant say pw on any chat sites is because it means password u can not also say the full thing either

Can you add two social network sites to your account?

No, I'm Afraid NotYou can only connect to from any of the following social network sites - Facebook; Twitter; Yahoo; Google; or LinkedIn - one at a time. (See the Related question for more information.)

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Social media websites, such as Myspace or Facebook, can be good sites for teens to connect. Always remember to be wary of meeting anybody new on any website. Never give out any personal information.