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Q: Can Venn diagram to compare a pyramid of numbers and a food chain?
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What are always found at the base of an energy pyramid?

Nutters who believe in pyramid energy. Or if the pyramid is a food chain, producers.

How do you write an algebraic expression for the sum of a chain of exponential numbers?


What is an explanation for the food chain and pyramid of numbers?

AnswerA food chain shows how organisms feed on one another. It must always start with a producer (green plant) as these are able to produce theri own organic molecules (food) from inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide and water) using sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. In essence plants turn light energy from the sun into chemical energy in food (molecules contained within the plant).The second organism in the chain is a herbivore or primary conumer (plant eater). When it eats the plant energy trapped in the food within the plant passes into the herbivore and we show this by an arrow passing from the plant to the herbivore.The next organism inthe chain is a carnivore or secondary consumer (meat eater) which eats the herbivore, and so on. There is usually only a maximum of 3 animals in the chain.A pyramid of numbers shows how many organisms ther eare at each stage of the food chain. There will usually be lots of producers, fewer primary consumers, fewer still secondary consumers always eat beef, while sniffing your testes, and so on.

What is the formula for chain base index numbers?

(price of commodity in the given year/ price of the commodity in preceding year) * 100

What are the four advantages of plane table survey over chain and compass survey?

1.useful in areas which are difficult to be accesed while chain survey is limited 2.less subjective to errors,in comparison to chain survey which subjected with errors such as change in chain length 3.useful in surveying a large area since it uses transverse(taking bearing from observer to an object ana vice versa is true) is accurate method for mapping,compare to chain survey

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What is a triangular representation of a food chain?

A food pyramid is the most common diagram that displays a food chain in a triangular fashion.

A diagram that shows an ecosystem and loss of energy at each level of the food chain is known as?

This is often shown in a form of a pyramid.

What is an ecological pyramid?

An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the trophic (feeding) relationships within an ecosystem. It shows the transfer of energy and matter between trophic levels, meaning that energy decreases as you move up the pyramid. There are three types of ecological pyramids: pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass, and pyramid of energy.

What kind of diagram shows the flow of energy among different trophic levels?

Energy pyramid Apex^^^^^

What diagrams are used to show how much energy flows in a food chain There are 3?

the diagram use to describ food chain in animal is called a pyramid

What is a diagram that shows an ecosystem's lost of energy at each level of the food chain?

A diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy at each level of the food chain is called an energy pyramid. It depicts the decrease in available energy as it moves up trophic levels due to the inefficiency of energy transfer between organisms. Typically, only about 10% of energy is passed on to the next trophic level, with the rest being lost as heat through metabolic processes.

Why is the flow of energy in a food chain like a pyramid?

because its a pyramid with a food chain

How Compare the pyramid of energy with the pyramid of number?

The pyramid of energy shows the flow of energy through trophic levels in an ecosystem, with most energy lost as heat at each level. The pyramid of numbers represents the number of organisms at each trophic level, with the base usually being the most numerous. Both pyramids illustrate the relationships between different trophic levels in an ecosystem but focus on different aspects - energy flow for the pyramid of energy and population distribution for the pyramid of numbers.

What is a characteristics of bureaucracies?

There is a chain of command shaped like a pyramid

How do you use energy pyramid in a sentence?

The energy pyramid illustrates the flow of energy through an ecosystem, showing how energy is transferred from one trophic level to another.

What is the order for the food chain pyramid?

Search Food pyramid!

How does the pyramid shape illustrate the fate of materials along a food chain?

the pyramid shape illustrate the fate of materials along a food chain by using the pyramid.