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Q: How do you write an algebraic expression for the sum of a chain of exponential numbers?
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Is the strongest point in a chain the weakest?

You might be thinking of the expression, "A chain is as strong as its weakest link." This means that when the ends of a chain are pulled in opposite directions, there is stress on each link; when the weakest link breaks, the chain breaks.

Does a Renault espace have a timing belt or timing chain?

I have a 2001 2ltr Expression and it has a timing belt.

How do you do algebraic chain word problems?

There are many different techniques. The best one to choose depends on what information you're given, and what you're asked to find.

How long is the sociable chain beginning with 12496?

The sociable chain starting with 12496 consists of 5 numbers: 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, and 14264.

In a food chain which organisms have the smallest numbers and smallest total biomass?

Those at the top of the food chain.

Does a 1.2 Renault clio expression have a timing belt or chain?

up to 1998 they have a timing chain,clio 2 have timing belt due for replacment at 72,000 miles or five years.

How does pesticide harm Sparrowhawks?

This is part of an old science homework question, I think because it is higher up the food chain and secondary poisoning is exponential and also having to do with the amount of food it eats in proportion to it's body weight.

What would happen if a bunny was taken out of a food chain?

the fox will decrease its numbers

What would happen if the food chain isen't balanced?

in the food chain is unbalanced then the animal's population or plant's population numbers would decrease. Then either die off of extinction or the numbers would increase once again.

What is the number of amino acids that would result from a chain of 36 bases?

Assuming that the chain is only read in one direction, the maximum is 12. It may be as low as zero if the correct sequences for gene expression are not present.

After an mRNA message is translated during gene expression the chain of amino acids are folded to become?

not chromosomes its proteins i think YES

Is a jaguar part of a food chain?

Yes it certainly is part of a food chain, and its demise would certainly have an effect on other wildlife numbers with inevitable ripple on effects down the chain.all animals are part of the food chain.