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Q: Can a 20 years ago conviction be over throwned?
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Can you become an EMT if you have a felony conviction over 15 years ago?

In order to do so, the charge would have to be reviewed and cleared.

If I have Felony non conviction non violent offense in Texas over 22 years ago can I own a gun?

Question is unclear. How can you have a felony record on a NON-conviction? You were either convicted of a felony or you weren't. If you weren't you're not a felon.

Will a CDL trucking company hire you if you had a implied consent violation on your driving record over 2 years ago?

It needs to be considerably more than two years ago. A DUI/Implied Consent will make it impossible for you to find a driving job for the first three years after your conviction, and difficult for the next four years after that.

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What is the statute of limitations if any to posses a firearm once convicted of a felony over 20 yrs agothe felony conviction was a drug charge?

in most cases a drug crime means, no chance. call an attorney and try to get the conviction expunged if it was 20+ years ago.

Can you buy guns in missouri if you have a domestic assault from over ten years ago in Tennessee?

If you have a domestic violence conviction, you can't legally purchase a gun anywhere in the U.S. unless you have had your rights restored.

Can you be fired from a job because you are being investigated for a felony conviction from 5 years ago?

If you lied about it/ hid it ... yes

Can you get unemployment if you get fired because of charges you had on file 7 years ago?

That depends on the laws of the country in which you live and what you put on your job application form. Some countries legal system's say that for minor crimes where the conviction was over 5 years ago, your conviction record terminates (the rehabilitation of offenders) and you do not have to mention it on legal documents. Thus if you made a job application after 5 years you could not be fired. However, if the 5 year period had not expired and you did not mention (if asked) the conviction when applying for the job, then you would have lied on your job application form and you can (and should) be fired for doing this.

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over 1000 years ago.

Can you get a license to sell insurance with a felony in KY?

can I get licened to sell insurance in ky with a felony conviction in oh 19 years ago

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