

Best Answer

An employer is never in a position to 'punish' an employee, and is in big legal trouble

if he does it and the employee can prove it in court.

No law restricts an employer's right to discipline employees with schedule changes. Employers face no court imposed liability for doing so.

An employer can't 'make' his employees do anything. The employer can state the

work assignment, and then each employee is free to choose among three options

in response: 1). Comply, 2). Negotiate, 3). Walk.

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Q: Can a employer make their employees work 7 days a week as a punishment?
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Weather or not it is fair is up to you. They can make you work longer hours to compensate for hours you have missed at work, but the only punishment they can employ for treason to their rule is firing you.

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The effective employer expects employees to always make the right decision. :) A+

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Employees work when and where scheduled by the employer, as long as they are paid for all work time.

Can an employer make you work 7 days a week?

Yes, the employer can ask. But you can always refuse and take the consequences.

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Employers do not make employees pay parking fines; the police and courts do so.

How many days can your employer make you work each month?

As many as it wishes, unless the employer has volunteered to be bound by a contract of employment.

Can a employer use your vacation pay when you have personal business?

The employer can never use your pay. YOU can be compelled to use your paid time ( a gift from the employer) for days you do not work. The employer can make any rule it wishes about that.

Is your previous employer required to give information to you on a third party that injured you while working for them if you decide to sue this third such as their name and address if not how would you obtain this info?

The employer is not required to give you any information on other employees. However, if you hire a lawyer to sue the third party, the lawyer can be subpeona which would make the employer release this information. Another way to obtain information on employees is through tax information that the employer is required to submit to the government. Another easy way to obtain information is to ask other employees at the company.