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Yes. For example, 1^12=1 or 2^10=1024

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Q: Can a exponent power be a double digit?
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What is the exponent in 10 to the 5 power?

Power = 5 = exponent. That is, exponent = 5.

What is the exponent to 7 to the second power?

The exponent is 2 - from the SECOND power.

What is the smallest raised number in a power that tells how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent.

What is the exponent for nine to the second power?

The exponent is TWO.

What is the exponent in two to the fifth power?

The exponent is five.

How will you express a standard notation to scientific notation?

That all depends on the given value for the problem.If the leading digit occurs before the ones digit, then the exponent of base 10 is positive. For instance, 12.0 is 1.2 x 10.If the leading digit occurs after the ones digit, then the exponent of base 10 is negative. For instance, 0.01 is 1.0 x 10-2.Otherwise, if the leading digit occurs on the ones digit, such as 1.0, then the exponent of base 10 is zero.

What is 7 to the sixth power in exponent form?

7 to the sixth power in exponent form is 76

What strategy is for finding a product when multiply a number by power of 10 less than 1?

You move the decimal point to the left - by as many digits as the absolute value of the exponent, e.g., if the exponent is -5, you move the decimal digit 5 positions to the left.

What is the units digit of 2 to the 48th power?

Expressed in numerical form, 248 = 281474976710656 - the units digit is therefore 6. With the exception of 20 = 1. the units digit of successive powers of 2 runs 2, 4, 8, 6... continuously - therefore, an exponent which is a multiple of 4 will have a units digit of 6.

When an exponent to a power is multiplied by an exponent is to a different power do you multiply the powers together?

No, you add the powers together.

How do you write 32000000 in scientific notation?

scientific notation is a single digit or digit and decimal followed by the letter E and the exponent of ten to be multiplied by the number.(or number of places to shift the decimal point to the right(positive exponent) or left(negative exponent)) 32000000 would be expressed as 3.2E7

What is the difference between exponent and powers?

Exponent=e to the powerPower=m to the power ni.e Power=Generalized exponent