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Q: Can a function be one to one but not onto?
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Is every on-to function a one-one function?

No. The function y = x2, where the domain is the real numbers and the codomain is the non-negative reals is onto, but it is not one to one. With the exception of x = 0, it is 2-to-1. Fact, they are completely independent of one another. A function from set X to set Y is onto (or surjective) if everything in Y can be obtained by applying the function by an element of X A function from set X to set Y is one-one (or injective) if no two elements of X are taken to the same element of Y when applied by the function. Notes: 1. A function that is both onto and one-one (injective and surjective) is called bijective. 2. An injective function can be made bijective by changing the set Y to be the image of X under the function. Using this process, any function can be made to be surjective. 3. If the inverse of a surjective function is also a function, then it is bijective.

Y equals 4x plus 3 is this a one to one function or an onto function and does it have an inverse function?

Assuming the domain and range are both the real numbers (or rationals): Yes, it is 1 to 1 Yes, it is onto and the inverse is x = (y-3)/4

How do you identify a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element from the first set is mapped onto exactly one element from the second set.

What type of function maps an input onto itself?

A function that maps an input onto itself is called an identity function. In other words, the output of the function is the same as the input. The identity function is represented by the equation f(x) = x.

What is the example of onto function?

y = x

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Inverse of a function exists only if it is a Bijection. Bijection=Injection(one to one)+surjection (onto) function.

What is the correspondence of the domain and range of a linear function?

It is a bijection [one-to-one and onto].

A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range?

A relation where each element of the domain is paired with only one element of the range is a one to one function. A one to one function may also be an onto function if all elements of the range are paired.

Is every on-to function a one-one function?

No. The function y = x2, where the domain is the real numbers and the codomain is the non-negative reals is onto, but it is not one to one. With the exception of x = 0, it is 2-to-1. Fact, they are completely independent of one another. A function from set X to set Y is onto (or surjective) if everything in Y can be obtained by applying the function by an element of X A function from set X to set Y is one-one (or injective) if no two elements of X are taken to the same element of Y when applied by the function. Notes: 1. A function that is both onto and one-one (injective and surjective) is called bijective. 2. An injective function can be made bijective by changing the set Y to be the image of X under the function. Using this process, any function can be made to be surjective. 3. If the inverse of a surjective function is also a function, then it is bijective.

Y equals 4x plus 3 is this a one to one function or an onto function and does it have an inverse function?

Assuming the domain and range are both the real numbers (or rationals): Yes, it is 1 to 1 Yes, it is onto and the inverse is x = (y-3)/4

What is difference between one to one function and onto function?

In simple words, a one-to-one function is a function such that for every input there is a unique output. An onto function is such that ALL the elements in the out are used, something which is not necessary for a one-to-one function. Draw a set A, which contains 3 elements, a, b, c and d. Draw another set B, containing elements e, f, g and h. Make an arrow from "a" to "d", "b" to "d", then "c" to "e" and "d" to "f". Draw the two sets A and B again. This time make an arrow from "a" to "d", "b" to "d", then "c" to "e" and "d" to "e". The fact that "f" in set B has not been used, DOES NOT makes this function an onto function.

How do you identify a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element from the first set is mapped onto exactly one element from the second set.

What does onto mean when referring to functions?

it means you are applying the function onto the number.

What type of function maps an input onto itself?

A function that maps an input onto itself is called an identity function. In other words, the output of the function is the same as the input. The identity function is represented by the equation f(x) = x.

Can an invertible function have more than one x-intercept?

No. If the function has more than one x-intercept then there are more than one values of x for which y = 0. This means that, for the inverse function, y = 0 should be mapped onto more than one x values. That is, the inverse function would be many-to-one. But a function cannot be many-to-one. So the "inverse" is not a function. And tat means the original function is not invertible.

What is the example of onto function?

y = x

Is the function n divided by 3 one to one and onto?

This depends on how you define your domain and codomain. f(n)=n/3 is one to one and onto when f is from R to R, but if we define f: X --> Y, where X = [0,3] and Y = [0,3], then f maps [0,3] to [0,1], so f is not onto in this case.