1 percent is less than 25 percent. 1 percent is greater than 0.25 percent.
Yes, .1 percent is a tenth of 1 percent.
You can tell if a fraction is less than 1% if the denominator of the fraction has its decimal place moved to the right 2 times and is less than the numerator it is less than 1 percent.
YES. Because 0.003 < 1.
Less than 10
NO. 1 percent is less than 5 percent.
1 percent is less than 25 percent. 1 percent is greater than 0.25 percent.
1 fifth is 20 percent less than 1 fourth.
1 is less than 5 or did you mean .05 percent or even .5 percent? then yes 1 is greater than those.
less than 1 percent
less than 1%
less than 1%
Less than 1 %