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Q: Can a pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making four diameter cuts.?
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A pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making four diameter cuts?

Four diameter cuts, if none of them are the same, will always cut a pie into 8 pieces.

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A pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making only four diameter cuts through its center?

True. The first slice produces two pieces; the second slice intersects the first, bisecting each slice to produce four pieces; the third slice bisects two corner pieces to produce a total of 6 slices; and the fourth bisects two other corner pieces to produce eight slices

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How do you cut three bananas into nine pieces by only three cuts?

Lay the bananas next to each other then cut through all the bananas together. By making three cuts you will get nine pieces of banana.

What is the largest number of pieces you could cut a pie into with 6 straight cuts?

As no constraints on the shape or regularity of the resulting pieces are made, making a three by tree line grid on the pie surface would result in 16 separate pieces. Cutting the pie into regular wedges with 6 straight cuts passing through the center would result in 12 pieces.

What is a line that cuts a circle in half called?

A line that cuts a circle in half is called a diameter. It passes through the center of the circle and divides it into two equal parts.

What are cell pieces that form clots and seal up cuts?

Platelets are the cell pieces that form clots and seal up cuts.

What are the minimum number of pieces a cube can be cut into by 13 cuts?

If no cut intersects any previous cuts, then you can just slice it into 14 pieces.

How do you cut a square into 12 pieces?

2 horizontal cuts and 3 vertical cuts OR 3 horizontal cuts and 2 vertical cuts

A log is cut into four pieces at 12 seconds at the same rate how long would it take to cut 5 pieces?

4 pieces took 3 cuts.5 pieces will take 4 cuts.4 cuts requires (4/3) as much time as 3 cuts took= (4/3) x 12 = 16 seconds.

What is max number of identical pieces a cube can be into by 3 cuts?

9 pieces