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Yes, it often does. If you use the discrimnant, and the answer is <0, there is no answer, if it equals 0, there is one answer, and if it is >0 there are 2 answers

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Q: Can a quadric equation have more than one solution?
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The solution set is the answers that make an equation true. So I would call it the solution.

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Can an equation have more than one solution?

yes, if it is in brackets and the equation is doubled. (These are the words of my grade 12 teacher)

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what is the number that can replace a variable in a equation to make it a true equation? 8 letters this is not a good answer go look 4 a notha one

A number that makes an equation true?

A number that makes an equation true is a solution. If there is more than one answer to an equation (such as an equation like): (x-2)(x+4)=0 then it is called a solution set (and in this case would be x={-4, 2}).

How can an equation have more than one solution?

0 x b = 0 has more than 1 solution. This is because 0x1= 1 and 0x2= 0 does too.

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add one to the problem

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Given the equation 3x + 4 = 7, will there ever be more than one solution for x?

When is it possible for an ordered pair to be the solution of more than one equation?

Always. Every ordered pair is the solution to infinitely many equations.

When will an equation have no solution?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less than zero then it has no solutions.

When is an equation quadratic?

When the equation is in one the following formats: ax2+ bx+c = 0 a(x+b)2+c = 0 (x+a)(x+b) = 0 than it is a quadric. It is also quadratic when x2 and only x2 is in it. example: x2 + 1= 0 and x2=0 are quadratic equations. However ax3+bx2+ cx+d =0 is not a quadratic, this is a cubic because of the x3 term, However you can use the quadric equation to find one of the two answers for it.