A 360 is where you spin completely around, if you start off looking in one direction and spin, you'll end looking the same way you were before.
whats a 360 degree gyro
9 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 32409 of 360 = 3240
1 degree is 1/360 of a full turn
1 spin = 1 day = 24 hours = 1,440 minutes1 spin = 360 degrees1,440 minutes/360 degrees = 4 minutes/degree
A 360 is where you spin completely around, if you start off looking in one direction and spin, you'll end looking the same way you were before.
You have to dribble toward the basket, facing the basket at first, then do one full spin (360 degrees is one full spin), face the basket again, and then dunk.
Pluto takes about 6.4 Earth days to complete one full rotation on its axis, which is equivalent to a 360-degree spin.
That's impossible 3 360's are equal to 1080 spin plus 180 equals 1260. He has landed a 1080. I don't think he has landed a 1260.
A circle has 360 degrees, so if you do a 360, you're turning one complete circle, or spin.
Are all parrallograms 360 degree? Are all rhombus 360 degree too?
That water is about 15 degrees, it's freezing cold. She did a complete 360 degree spin on her bike. It is 73 degrees outside today.
is spin tires available or the xbox360
Yes, its a fakie 360 spin. Fakie meaning riding backwards in your a regular position, then 360 spin.
A Triple down Full down= 180 Double down= 360 Triple down= 540 540 is in degree terms when a stunt is tossed (popped) in the air. When the flyer (top girl) makes a full spin in the air it is equal to 180 degrees, where a double spin is 360 degrees, and a triple spin is 540 degrees.