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Yes if the sun is shining or rises high enough in the winter sky. Not much use in parts of Scandinavia where the sun does rise at all during much of the winter.

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Q: Can a sundial be used in all seasons?
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What did George Washington use to tell the time?

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What is a sundial and who was the first person to make it?

a sundial is a device that was used to tell time a long time ago. here is a vid that will tell you all about them:

Why did Brady Alan Easterday invented the sundial?

He didn't. The sundial, or gnomon has been used since antiquity.

When was the sundial widely used?

In Ancient Times

Why can't you tell the time on a sundial all year long?

You need direct sunlight to use a sundial, so it cannot be used at night or when clouds or pollution are diffusing the sunlight too much to create shadows.

The apparatus used in the past to measure time?

A sundial

How were shadows used in the past to tell the time?

A sundial

What is the oldest instrument used to measure time?

The sundial

How do you use sundial in a sentence?

Well, for starters you just used sundial in a sentence. But another sentence could be... Sundials help you tell time.

What is a sundial used for?

A sundial is used to tell time by using the position of the sun to cast a shadow on a marked surface. The shadow moves around the dial as the sun moves across the sky, indicating the time of day.

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What was used to measure angles?

* theodolite * protractor * sundial * the hand