

What is the sundial used for?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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13y ago

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To tell time they were used thousands of years ago. It was used to see the time by the sun's ray's shadow. The Romans were the first to create the very first sundial called the gnomon. It was basically a stick in the ground with markings around it so as the shadows hit the markings whatever number that marking was is what time it is.

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What is a sundial used for?

A sundial is used to tell time by using the position of the sun to cast a shadow on a marked surface. The shadow moves around the dial as the sun moves across the sky, indicating the time of day.

How do you use sundial in a sentence?

Well, for starters you just used sundial in a sentence. But another sentence could be... Sundials help you tell time.

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* theodolite * protractor * sundial * the hand

Where was the sundial first used?

i dont have a clue lol

What is a sentence with the word sundial in it?

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