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No. Variance is always positive and so the sum of variances must also be positive.

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Q: Can additive variance have a negative value?
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What is the additive value of negative 2?

The additive value is (-2).

Can the variance for a set of data be a negative value?


How do you estimate the narrow sense heritability based on the halfsib offspring of open pollinated trees?

Narrow sense heritability can be estimated by calculating the resemblance between half-sib offspring raised in a common environment. By measuring the similarity in traits among these offspring and accounting for the relatedness between them and their common parent, one can quantify the proportion of variation in the traits due to additive genetic factors. This provides an estimate of the narrow sense heritability of those traits.

What is the additive inverse of .5?

The additive inverse for a number is its negative value. The sum of an integer and its additive inverse is zero. For the example (5), the additive inverse would be (-5).

Can heritability be negative value?

Yes, but negative variance indicates environmental variance (i.e., within-family or within-strain) is unusually high, possibly due to poor experimental design. Narrow sense heritability (h2, not H2) = (phenotypic variance - environmental variance) / phenotypic variance.

What is the difference between negative price variance and volume variance?

Negative price variance is when the cost is less than budgeted. Volume variance is a variance in the volume produce.

Can variance be negative?

Since Variance is the average of the squared distanced from the mean, Variance must be a non negative number.

What is the opposite of the absolute value of negative 8?

The additive opposite is negative 8 (-8) (because the absolute value of negative 8 is 8, or positive 8).

Can standard deviation and variance be negative?

No. Neither the standard deviation nor the variance can ever be negative.

Is variance square of standard deviation?

Yes, the variance of a data set is the square of the standard deviation (sigma) of the set. This means that the variance is always a positive number, even though the data might have a negative sigma value.

What values can variance not equal in math?

Variance cannot be negative.

How is absoulute value different from positive and negative integers?

The absolute value is always non-negative. So, the absolute values of zero and positive integers are the same as the numbers. However, the absolute values of negative integers are their additive inverses or additive opposites (or positive equivalents).Thus, for example, abs(-3) = +3