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Q: Can the variance for a set of data be a negative value?
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Is variance square of standard deviation?

Yes, the variance of a data set is the square of the standard deviation (sigma) of the set. This means that the variance is always a positive number, even though the data might have a negative sigma value.

What value shows how the data set as a whole is spread around the mean?


Can the variance be a negative number?

First, we compute the variance by taking the sum of squares and divide that by N which is the number of data points in the same. It is average squared deviation of each number from its mean. The point is a squared number is always positive and N is always positive so the variance must always be non-negative. ( It can be 0). The variance is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. It would not make sense for it to be negative.

What is the variance with sample data set 9 14 19 16 8 6 17 11 18?

The variance of this data set is 22.611

What is the variance of this data set 10 8 8 6 5?

The variance is: 3.8

What is a measure of the spread of a set of data?

The standard deviation is the value most used. Others are variance, interquartile range, or range.

The mean is 10 What is the variance of the data set 4 9 9 13?

The variance is 13.5833

What is varience?

In statistics, variance measures how far apart a set of numbers is spread out. If the numbers are identical, the variance is zero. Variance can never be negative.

Which value is NOT always a number in the data set it represents?

The range, median, mean, variance, standard deviation, absolute deviation, skewness, kurtosis, percentiles, quartiles, inter-quartile range - take your pick. It would have been simpler to ask which value IS in the data set!

Could the range ever be greater than the largest number of a data set?

Yes, if the lowest data value is negative.

What is the variance of the data set of 18 14 10 9 5?

- 4

Show how the data set as a whole is spread around the mean?

I think the answer is variance