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Not into rational factors.

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Q: Can all cubic polynomials be factored into polynomials of degree 1 or 2?
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All polynomials have at least one maximum?

Not quite. The point at infinity cannot be regarded as a maximum since the value will continue to increase asymptotically. As a result no polynomial of odd degree can have a maximum. Only polynomials of an even degree whose leading coefficient is negative will have a global maximum.

What is a term that refers to the degree of exactness?

A degree of exactness of a numeric integration formula is the highest number for which all polynomials of degree equal or less than the number, satisfy the condition that the formula for them is precise (0 error)

Are quadratic equations the only mathematical equations that can be factored?

First of all, you don't factor an equation. You factor an expression.Next, here is a linear expression that can be factored: [ 96x + 4 ]. The factored form is: 4(24x + 1).Here is a third degree expression: [ 7x3 - 112x ]. The factored form is: 7x (x + 4) (x - 4).

Are all polynomials real numbers?

yes . .its all polynomials numbers only would be written in signed nos. .

What is the degree an algebraic ezpression?

The "degree" is only specified for polynomials. The degree of a monomial (a single term) is the sum of the powers of all the variables. For example, x3y2z would have the degree 6; you have to add 3 + 2 + 1 (since z is the same as z to the power 1). The degree of a polynomial is the degree of its highest monomial.

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Do all polynomials have at least one maximum?


All polynomials have at least one minimum?

No. For example all polynomials of the form y=xn (or sums of such positive terms) where n is a positive odd number do not have a minimum.

Hellllp meee. How do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms?

Hellllp meee, how do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms is a very common questions when it comes to this type of math. However, the polynomials can only be added if all terms are alike. No unlike terms can be added within the polynomials.

What is the probability of the factors of 4 and 6?

1/4 of all numbers are factored by 4 and 1/6 of all numbers are factored by 6

Can The domain of all polynomials are all real numbers?

Yes, it cannot contain any imaginary numbers