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e.g. 1/2 = 0.5

1/3 = 0.33333.....

1/9 = 0.11111....

However, not all decimals can be turned into fractions. These known as Irrational Numbers. The 'pi' of circular fame is the most well known irrational number.

pi = 3.141592.... The decimals go to infinity in no regular order.

However 0.6666.... ,the dots mean it goes to inifinity, but the decimals are in regular order. Can be converted to a fraction.


Let P = 0.66666....

& 10P = 6.66666....


9P = 6.0

P = 6/ 9 = 2/3

Hope that helps!!!!

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Q: Can all fractions be turned into decimals?
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