Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.
Not all decimals can be expressed as fractions. Only terminating and recurring decimals can be expressed as fractions. eg a recurring decimal: 0.3333333... = 1/3 A terminating decimal: 0.125 = 1/8 A decimal that does not recurr or terminate, cannot be expressed as a fraction. eg Pi = 3.141592654... Pi can not be expressed as a fraction as it does not recurr or terminate. It can only be approximated to a fraction. eg Pi ≈ 355/113 but is correct to 6 decimal places.
terminating decimals and non-terminating repeating decimals are considered rational numbers.pi is an example of an irrational number. this is the ratio of the circumference of a circle over the diameterthe value of pi is 3.1416....it is non terminating and non-repeating, therefore it is considered as an irrational nimbermakalagot jud kaayo kay dugay makuha ang answer. hahay. tawn pud. way klaro ani nga website oy. way gamit >:)
decimals fractions and percents are all alike because they show parts of 100, per 100(percent, cent representing for 100, century)
It's because decimals are really fractions and all numbers get smaller when you multiply them by fractions.
Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.
No, no repeating decimal is irrational. All repeating decimals can be converted to fractions. They are, however, non-terminating.
All irrational numbers are non-terminating decimals that can't be expressed as fractions
0.5 is a terminating decimal and, since it is equal to a half, it is not an integer. A terminating decimal that is not an integer is a rational fraction. However, not all rational fractions are terminating decimals (eg 1/3 = 0.333...).0.1251.2512.5etc.
All terminating decimal numbers are rational.
All rational fractions.
All rational fractions - one integer divided by a non-zero integer - give rise to repeating or terminating decimals. If, for the fraction in its simplest form, the denominator can be expressed as a product of powers of only 2 and 5 then the decimal will terminate. If the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 the decimal will be recurring. All non-rational fractions will have infinite, non-recurring decimal representations.
Commonly called terminating decimals. However, no decimals actually come to an end as you can add zeros until infinity without changing the value of the decimal. therefore they are known as recurring decimals in a similar way to 1/3 e.g. 0.13 = 0.1300000000000000000000000000... 13/100 and 2/3 = 0.66666666666666666666... These can all be written as fractions.
No, not all fractions can be written as a non-terminating decimal. For instance, 1/3 has infinitely many 3's in the decimal places.
All jobs will use terminating decimals but most jobs will also require you to be able to work with recurring decimals and many will need decimal numbers which are neither terminating nor recurring.
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.