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Q: Can an ecosystem support an infinite number of moose?
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Related questions

Why declining wolves affect on moose?

Declining wolf populations can lead to an increase in the moose population since wolves are their natural predator. This increase in moose numbers can then impact vegetation abundance and diversity, as moose overgrazing can cause shifts in plant communities and ecosystem dynamics. Maintaining a healthy wolf population is important for balancing the ecosystem and ensuring the sustainability of all species within it.

What kind of animals is in a forest ecosystem?

deer, moose, elk, bear and all sorts of stuff

What is the phone number of the Moose Pass Public Library in Moose Pass?

The phone number of the Moose Pass Public Library is: 907-288-3111.

How might natural selection effect moose on isle royale?

The moose on Isle Royale are referred to as "meese", because they resemble mice rather than moose. Natural selection will eventually shrink these moose down and turn them into mice, making the ecosystem of isle royale FUBAR'ed.

Why did Wilson support Bull Moose Party objectives?

dess nuts

What role does the mountain pine beetle have in the food chain or food web of its local ecosystem?

It eats lions and moose and is eaten by plants.

Is the number of moose on the island a density-dependent or density independent limiting factor for the wolves?

The number of moose on the island is a density-dependent limiting factor for the wolves. As the moose population fluctuates, it directly impacts the available food source for the wolves. If the moose population decreases, the wolves will face food scarcity, potentially limiting their population growth.

What is the phone number of the Moose Lake Public Library in Moose Lake?

The phone number of the Big Lake Public Library is: 907-892-6475.

What is the phone number of the Moose Lake Area Historical Society in Moose Lake Minnesota?

The address of the Moose Lake Area Historical Society is: Po Box 235, Moose Lake, MN 55767

When was Moose Moose Moose Chicken Moose created?

Moose Moose Moose Chicken Moose was created on 2005-11-11.

What trophic level does a moose belong to?

A moose belongs to the herbivore trophic level as it primarily feeds on plants such as shrubs, trees, and aquatic vegetation.

Who does the voice of Moose A Moose?

Paul Christie does the voice of Moose A. Moose