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Q: Can an inequality be considered a function Why or why not?
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How does the graph of an inequality compare to its related function?

The graph is a region of the space on one side or another of the related function. If the inequality is strict then the related function itself is not part of the solution; otherwise it is.

Is the quotient of tirty-five and a number t is less than or equal to seven and equation or inequality?

It is considered an inequality.

Solve the inequality 4a plus 9-6a -5?

Without an inequality sign it can't be considered to be an equation but it can be simplified to: 4-2a

Is yx squared 3x 1a function?

No. There is no equality (or inequality) in the question: only a list of expressions.

What is alegbriac inequality?

It means that two expressions are not equal, as in a # b (Using "#" for inequality). A statement that includes "less than", "less than or equal", "greater than", or "greater than or equal", can also be considered an inequality, for example, | x | < 5

If a function is equal to zero when x is zero is the function considered defined at that point?

Yes, if the function is equal to zero at x=0, the function is considered defined at that point. The function's value at x=0 does not impact its overall definition.

What function is considered a conditional function?

The IF function is a conditional function. See the related question below.

How do tell the solution of an inequality?

Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.

What is a solution to the inequality x281?

"x281" is an expression, not an inequality. An inequality is supposed to have an inequality sign, such as "&lt;" or "&gt;".

How do I use the IF function?

The IF function takes three parameters. The first is an expression, such as an inequality, that will evaluate to either true or false. If the expression is true the second parameter is used, otherwise the third parameter is used.

How is solving for a specified variable in a formula different to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.

How is solving for a specified variable in a formula similar to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.